ATTA (Amplifying the Tropical Ants)
ATTA is a research project on ant bioacoustic communication in collaboration with entomologists Erica Valle and Fabricio Baccaro in Amazonas State, Brazil. I first visited Manaus, Brazil as an artist-in-residence with Labverde in July 2017. On this trip I made preliminary recordings of ant species and their habitats and used these as the basis of several new music compositions. I brought the topic to the attention of myrmecologist Fabricio Baccaro at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas and we have since embarked on a collaborative research project encompassing bioacoustics, field recording, behavioral ecology, taxonomy, music composition, and acoustic ecology. Since 2017 we have been testing out field recording methods and establishing baseline data for a catalog of ant acoustics of the region. We are analyzing temporal and frequency variables across species and subfamilies. I look forward as we continue our collaborative work in ecology and art.
ATTA has had invaluable guidance and contributions from Lilian Fraiji, Labverde, primatologist/bioacoustician Tainara Sobroza, sound engineer Anthony Brisson and ornithologist Jeff Podos.